Evanto theme is comes with the multi-language support. It means you can translate the site into any language. There are various options to translate the site. You can do it by either editing .pot file, or by using plugins.
Translation with the Poedit
This app provides the easy method to create new translations for any language. Follow the below steos to edit .po file :
Step 1 – Open Poedit.
Step 2 – Choose “New from Po/POT file.”
Step 3 – Select the .pot file from wp-content/themes/evanto/languages/evanto.pot
Step 4 – Select the new language you want to translate.
Step 5 – Save the file with your language name, prefixed with the theme name. It will generate both a .po
and .mo
files for your translation.
Step 6 – Place these files into the wp-content/languages/themes/
Using the Plugins
You can easily translate the string using the available translation plugins like WPML and Loco Translate
Here is some documentation for these plugins which will be helpful to create the translation files.
For the loco translate.
For the WPML.
Getting Started Guide
WPML Documentation